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ECF Registration

Limited Use Training--Creditors

The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Wisconsin has upgraded their Case Management/Electronic Case Filing System (CM/ECF) to the Next Generation of CM/ECF (NextGen). NextGen allows you to maintain a single login and password for PACER access and e-filing in all NextGen federal courts in which you have permission to e-file.

Additional information regarding NextGen can be found at

Attorneys and creditor representatives may obtain a "Limited Use" login to access the CM/ECF system. This limited login allows attorneys or creditor representatives to file a small (restricted) number of documents in the system. For example, a limited use login does not allow for file of a petition or another pleading that requires a fee. It is intended for use by participants who will only be filing the following specific documents:

  • Creditor Request for Notices and/or Notices of Appearance
  • Proofs of Claim
  • Withdrawals or Transfers of Claim
  • Reaffirmation Agreements

Are you ready to file electronically?


  1. A pdf compatible word processing program-Word or Word Perfect.
  2. Adobe Acrobat Software 4.0 or later (Acrobat Reader & Acrobat Writer) to convert documents from word processing format to PDF.
  3. A scanner either attached or networked to the computer intende for CM/ECF use.
  4. A PACER login and password (PACER Registration)

If you are a registered filer in another jurisdiction or have prior CM/ECF training or filing experience no further training is required.