A Proof of Claim is a form used by the creditor (person who has a claim) to indicate the amount of debt owed by the debtor on the date of the bankruptcy filing.
Creditors may electronically file a Proof of Claim through our Court's website (recommended for creditors) or mail/deliver a paper Proof of Claim to the Court.
Electronically file a Proof of Claim through our Court's website (recommended for creditors)
Creditors are requested to electronically file a Proof of Claim. A login/password is not required.
- The Proof of Claim is created and electronically filed through the Court’s website. Supplemental documentation to the Proof of Claim may be attached.
- Attorneys may file the Proof of Claim by indicating, "filed by: attorney" or they may obtain an ECF login and password to file the Proof of Claim in ECF.
- The full name and title of a creditor or other person authorized to file a Proof of Claim must appear on the form. If a party other than the creditor is filing the Proof of Claim, the address of that party must be included. Filing a Proof of Claim electronically deems the claim signed by the creditor or authorized person.
- Before filing your claim electronically be sure to read our Helpful Tips and Claims FAQ pages
File a paper Proof of Claim with the Court
Send the completed Proof of Claim form and supporting documents to the Clerk's Office at:
United States Bankruptcy Court
120 North Henry Street Room 340
Madison, WI 53703
IMPORTANT NOTICE: All filers must redact: Social Security or taxpayer-identification numbers; dates of birth; names of minor children; and financial account numbers, in compliance with Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9037. This requirement applies to all documents, including attachments. Before filing a claim, please read the privacy notice.
Penalty for filing fraudulent claim: Fine of up to $500,000, imprisonment for up to 5 years or both. 18 U.S.C. §152 and 3571.