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Updated Chapter 13 Plan Form

Thursday, December 26, 2024

The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Wisconsin was made aware of a technical issue with the Chapter 13 Plan Form (3015-1.1, Revised 11/15/23). More specifically, sections IIIA and IIIB did not allow full cents to be entered in the amount fields. That functionality has been fixed, and the Chapter 13 Plan Form has been updated.

The new form is available on our website, and noted as 3015-1.2, Revised 12/4/24.

Effective January 1, 2025, all chapter 13 plans, including initial, amended, and modified, must conform to the updated chapter 13 plan form, pursuant to Local Rule 3015-1. Deficiency notices may be sent out in response to the use of the older form after February 1, 2025.